well, this has been my day:
before 8:00 in the morning, i was on the phone with poison contol for the 5th time in my life - all of them concerning my 3rd born - oh he is a challenge, and dragging the 4th one, right along behind him. for just a brief moment (isn't that what the commercials always warn you about... that 1 second out of your life that you turn your back...), i stepped out of the dining room, to walk my older 2 to the front door and give them a kiss bye before they head off to school. the boys spotted the children vitamins on the table, hid under the table, and opened the 'childproof' bottle. thankfully this bottle was just opened yesterday... so i dump out the bottle on the table and count out the tablets, to realize 7 are missing. oh geez, - the bottle's label reads "Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6." what is considered an overdose on these things? surely 7 is not good. stuff like this sends a mom's heart into overdrive. i dial the number - and now i know, for 25pounds, 15 is an overdose. so i sit with them for sesame street and calm down.
at the research center to do my first weigh in of the week, i've lost 1.5 pounds since last friday, so adding in my half pound gain last week, i'm down 1 pound.
unexpected company is always such a joy (yes, i'm being sarcastic). as we are finishing up dinner, my dane lets out several mighty warnings of the approaching trio. it is some ladies who go to the church where my MOPS meetings are held... came to evangalize and bring literature on the church. don't get me wrong, it's not that i'm not a moral & spiritual person... because i am. i'm just not particularly religious. and yes, to me, you can be moral & spiritual without a church home. and then what, my yarn breaks - grrrrrrrrr. i'm actually finishing this up on tuesday morning, because last night hubby had homework to complete and i was mid-post. so i'm certain i've forgotten plenty - basicly it was just a monday!
i have several pictures to post, but i do not yet know how to make the memory size smaller while keeping the physical size the same... so i wait... don't want to lose that bandwidth again :)