Friday, December 31, 2004

The Hook

for some time there has been quite a buzz about the supreme quality and beauty of Bill's hooks on the board. so, i put in a request for one and received it as a Christmas gift from my sil. my review? it is a thinkg of incredible beauty and graceful functionality. yes, it deserves that pedestal upon which it rests...

as far as new creations:

i made this Christmas afternoon to wear on my shirt for a party that night.

this is a scarf i made for my mother for her birthday. she asked for one that is pink and fuzzy....okay, that's what i did.

that's all for tonight, i'm going to try to get some other things taken care of....

go check out the YarnSwap gallery to the right ------- >
see all the yummy yarn that has been received :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2004



You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Monday, December 27, 2004

Thursday, December 23, 2004

another day, nothing done

as far as the site goes anyway. oh well - or as my little sister used to say oilwell. man oh man we used to give her heck over that!

do you see what i see? he he he he... it took 2 weeks before he could resist the shiny balls no more. doesn't he look guilty?

a wonderful ELF from crochetville blessed my mailbox with the cutest little chapstick holder - it's a keychain!! how convenient is that?!

that's all for now. MUCH to do!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

updating, hopefully

thoughout the day today, as i take breaks from the laundry and cleaning of closets, i hope to fool around with the site. no promises... as the last time i did this, nothing changed... it all vanished. so, trying again.
i'm sincerely asking this of you:
what do you think i should change? add?
(remember, you can leave your comments anonymous - tee hee)
i know the gallery of my stuff isn't up. maybe that will be my focus... who knows. anyhow, gotta get the laundry i folded now needs to be put away- never knew my life was so glamorous, did ya?! :)
hey, how do some of you have emoticons within your blogs?????

Saturday, December 18, 2004

mi vida loca

yesterday was early release day for the kiddos - so they got out of school at noon. what a perfect time to run some errands, i thought - along with the other 325 THOUSAND people that live in this town! seriously, i had to WAIT for a parking spot at walmart! and there are 4 supercenters here. they had to have made a killing yesterday. so we brave walmart because milk and jewelers pliars can not be found at the same place any where else. it wasn't that bad, but the funny thing? i had forgotten that it was "pajama day" at school for my children. so here we are traveling town with my 2 oldest decked out in their pj's- all the way to slippers. it was pretty funny, and we got several bizarre looks, with my oldest 2 in pj's and robes and my youngest 2 in the ever-present superman and batman capes. i must have looked like a crazy person and taking my kids right along with me.
i have been a busy little girl as fas as crocheting goes. i finished a cap for my grandpa:

a poncho for a cousin:

a bag for one of my sisters: (still needs to be lined)

speaking of my sister, here she is wearing a scarf i made her thanksgiving day:

okay, that is all i have time to post right now.... the laundry is buzzing at me-ick

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

secret names and other games

Here is the link to finding your own secret Christmas name. me? i'm Fuzzy Nose-Cheeks - should i be concerned?? how funny.

on the crochet front - i am in the midst of TOO MUCH STUFF!

oh my gosh! my children are making me crazy - yes, i realize admitting this outloud shows weakness, but they can't read yet, so i think i'm okay. it just seems that their little brains don't comprehend my words. they look at me as if to say "dear mother we love you, but picking up the crayons is not something we want to do. we so enjoy the look of frustration in your eyes and the sound of desperation in your voice. is today the day beatings begin?" they're testing me. i know it. they conspire at night to see how far they can push the next day. and yes, i think my 2 and 3 year old are capable of this conversation and are planning an all-out coup - just waiting until there are perfect conditions until my sanity is teetering on the edge........

i have these 3 skeins of "vintage" yarn that i hope to use for a felted bag. the blue and cream have labels are are 100% wool so i'm fairly certain they will work. however, the cranberry has peices of the label missing. i'm going to have to do some research to see about this. it says "moth repellant" does this mean it's 'superwash' (whatever that is) and won't full? does anyone know anything about this yarn?

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