well, i cooked my stuffed peppers for 1hour at 350. not long enough. already had everyone at the table and the potato casserole was all hot and melty and the bottom of the peppers weren't cooked and about a marble size of raw meat in the center of every single stinkin pepper! blech! if you have littles, you know how difficult this scenerio was. once they're at the table and thinking food is on the way - not a pretty sight to have to kick them out.
so they went through a few sleeves of crackers and potato casserole while the peppers were back in the oven. no one went to bed hungry, so i guess ultimately everything went fine. now i just have oodles of left-over peppers in my fridge!
on the menu for tonight: chicken (cooked in cream of broccoli soup) with butter herb wild rice and green beans.
there are days, every now and again, that parents have to kill 2 birds with 1 stone, so to speak. last night, with the raw dinner debacle already under our belts, was one of those nights. V refused to take a shower because he was absolutely certain there were 'red eyes' outside the window in the bathroom. so we talked him into a shower as long as someone was in the bathroom with him. the girl still had 30 minutes of reading to do for the night. a-ha! we found our victim - i mean volunteer.
after a few minutes, i stuck my head in to check on the two of them. this is what i see:
wondering why she has the book IN the shower, i said, "ummmm, whatchya doin'?"
"showing V the pictures" of course.
just too funny!
and i think he enjoyed his storytime
yes, yes... i am still knitting, spinning, and LOTS of crocheting - more on this tomorrow :D