looky looky what hubby picked up for me at walmart
and what makes it so bad? i shop for myself too
yesterday was lots of crocheting on the circle coat for my daughter. hopefully i will get it done today in the car while waiting for them to get out of school. but i am soooo freakin tired today... i hope i don't fall asleep.
other news: my 'burban died yesterday in front of my daughter's school. don't know what is wrong with it. either the starter or altenator... ahhh, it's good to have a hubby that likes to tinker. he will be getting it fixed over the weekend. we also have my hubby's el camino that he drives and a 2001 dodge caravan... so i'll be pimpin' the mini-van for a few days or so.
What a wonderful hubby you have! Isn't it wonderful to be spoiled!
i hope you love your crystalites as much as i love mine !
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