check this out:
yes, i'm all proud! that is the only time during the night that i got all the pins down during 1 turn!! yeah, i pretty much suck at bowling. i think my highest score was a 68!
but, the fashion - ck out these shoes (and my dorky bil's feet)
we left the bowling alley just after midnight and decided to visit a friend of all of ours that owns a tatoo parlor..... i know what you're thinking!
wait for it.....
no. i didn't get a tatoo (i already have 2), and neither did anyone else. BUT, i did get PIERCED!
although it looks like i'm crying in the last picture, i wasn't :)
it hurt a bit, i'm not gonna lie. but it was not painful, if that makes sense. anyhow--- i'm pleased with it.
now, this coming weekend - TOP THAT!!
just a memory teaser.... the first one who can tell me a bit about the necklace i'm wearing --- no cheating --- gets a prize :)
You wild woman you!!!!!
The necklace...your sister gave it to you, right? How much do we need to know?? LOL! It's a stone heart I think.
holy cow!! you are right! i really wasn't expecting anyone to remember. not only, but the first one!! the only thing is.... you replied as anonymous! ???
to whom do i send a prize? you can email me:
You got your nose pierced! Way cool! I had mine done almost 2 yrs ago now and still love mine :o)
Heheh well that's a heck of a weekend *g* Love the diamond, very classy =) Suits ya!
Don't think I can top you in wildness ;) though I am meeting my first C'viller tomorrow though for a day of shopping and fun... my first time shopping with a fellow yarnie! Woohooooo! And not one but TWO yarn shops downtown where we'll be *g*
I don't have a blog so I have to post anonymously. I meant to add my name at the end though, silly me!
So since I'm such I ditz, I'd like you to randomly RAOK someone from the boards on my behalf. Would that be ok??
The phantom ;-)
dear Phantom - i'd be glad to RAOK your prize! --- maybe yours will be name that i draw :)
You lucky lucky girl I have always wanted nose pierceed ex wouldn't let me now he's not here but I have to get a job so we'll see. Looks GREAT!!!!Sutty
that looks awesome!!! i love getting pierced...
That's a really pretty piercing! I'm so afraid of pain it was torture to even get my ears pierced. I'm such a pansy haha.
- Brandy /
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