perhaps, i no longer have hobbies... maybe i've become addicted?
Exhibit A:
seems harmless enough. a little clip light i purchased... for the times we are in the car and the sun has gone down so that i can continue my project.
Exhibit B:
i know i have a lot of yarn, but seriously, how did this happen? ladies and gentlemen, this is not a staged photo. this is what i saw when i went to get a coffee mug out of my cabinet. should i be ashamed?
Exhibit C:
recently, we took a road trip. my heart went pitter-pat as we passed through miles and miles and miles of cotton fields. i was truly saddened to see the little bits of fluff left behind by the tractors. such a shame to see it go to waste.
so, my jury of peers, what is the verdict?
should i be found guilty, what is my sentence, my punishment?
Sorry, but guilty as charged. :)
LOL the yarn in the cupboard looks like something I'd do!
I abstain from voting on the first part, but I offer an excuse for the yarn in the cupboard.... you said you went to get a cup... sooooo I think what happened (to put the yarn there in the first place) is that you went to get a cup (or something) and maybe your hands were full, so you set the yarn down to get the cup *G* then something distraced you annd you forgot to pick it back up again.
I can totally see that scenario happening in my house rofl.
Ha! I think we think alike... I keep finding yarn in strange places, too, and like Marvie said, it's usually "oh I need to take the trash out" and can't carry everything so I put something down and forget about it and find it later... heheh!
We understand!
Guilty as charged. Confined to a year of making beautiful crocheted projects!!! If you want to put in an appeal, I require one long beautiful white cotton scarf to start the process ;)
I say no punishment because you have done no crime. Just keep knitting and be happy! I love your blog btw!
It's the yarn in the caninet that got to me! I usually leave it in the fridge.
I don't see anything wrong with the above. Isn't that just normal? ;)
Not Guilty - Just recently driving down the highway with my hubby and out of the corner of my eye I seen a sign that said something about wool, and as soon as I started to speak my husband said "No" you didn't see anything, how did he know what I was going to ask?? LOL
Michelle (micountess)
I say there's nothing wrong with you. You're normal, the rest of the non-knitting/crocheting world is out of wack.
Very creative spot to store your stash!! In the mental health field, it's only a problem if it's interfering with your functioning... so, since we're knitters/crafters, it's actually very adaptive to have yarn everywhere!!
hahahha, youre too funny...
i have yarn all over also, but not in the cubbard, not yet at least..heheeee
Exhibit A: In now way can ewe be blamed for darkness. Blame it on the weather.
Exhibit B: Blame it on the children?
Exhibit C: Blame it on the tractors? The farmer?
[insert gavel thumping sound of the judge here.]
EWE are innocent of all charges, and they are dropped (just like stitches in a scarf)
This is too funny!!! Not too long ago, my husband and I were taking a motorcycle ride up to the Hill Country and we passed acres and acres of cotton fields. I guess this must have been my first time to see such a thing, because I just couldn't believe my eyes! I made dh pull over to the side of the busy highway so that I could actually pick up some of the cotton remnants as a souvenier of our trip. I held onto that tiny piece of cotton the entire trip and contemplated how I could start growing cotton in my own back yard when we got back home. So, I can TOTALLY relate to your excitement over seeing the cotton bale ;-)
As far as the yarn in the cupboard -- that's just priceless!
BTW, I'm new to reading blogs and have thoroughly enjoyed yours!
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