Thursday, May 19, 2005


first off, thank you all so much for the wonderful well-wishes for my daughter and nannie. both are doing fine. my daughter chose a bright purple cast this time (yes, this time... she broke her other arm last spring).
also thank you for easing my mind about the moths!! i really was freaked out about it.
sorry i've been away for so long. with the end of the school year SO SO quickly approaching, i have not been home much. PTO meetings, teacher conferences, advisory board meetings, meet next year's teacher day, class parties, field trips, Karate demonstrations, my bi-monthly MOPS meeting has been switched to weekly for the summer, and of course now, weekly check ups with the pediatric orthopedic surgeon for X-rays to make certain the radial cup in her elbow stays aligned to heal properly...whew! i think that's it oh yeah, investor's meetings/dinners. i'm really anxious for summer to officially get here and for my babes to be home for a few days just to hang out with. you know, before swimming and tennis lessons start, soccer and T-ball games, track meets and cheer competitions. don't forget science camp, karate kamp, cheer camp and art classes. it's great fun for them... i know it sounds like SO much, but remember, there are 4 and they each do their own thing. it keeps us running. but it's fun.

i have had great fun at crochetville with the button swap. gotten great buttons!!

well..... i had some pictures for you, but photobucket keeps timing out so, maybe tomorrow

well, i started this post last night, got pulled away... now i have to head out the door for the many errands to get done today.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Glad to hear that your daughter and nanny are doing good! Sounds like you have a busy summer planned......driving in the car! There were only 3 of us, but I swear that my mum would rarely leave the car without having to go back into it to take or pick us up from one of our assorted lessons and clinics!


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