so, i'm at the thrift store with my #4 (3 yrs old). i'm searching their craft supplies and he is digging in a box of beanie toys - we're happy. he shows me this itty frog that he's found and says "pwease" of course!
so as i'm loading him up in the suburban, i say to my innocent child, "can i see your froggy?" i look at it, telling him what a cool choice he's made. isn't this a cute little frog!?!
it's obviously something someone hand made, so i flipped it over to look at it's design ..... HOLY COW!
it's pornfrography!!
do you believe that!?!
so my precious, darling, little one says "it's got a flower". why, yes it does, and a rather large one at that!
what's a mom to do? i can't take it away from him now. and he does think it's just a flower. so i let him keep it. later that night, he came to me with a puffed out lip and said "froggy has a hole" "oh no! let me see it." ( tug tug tug) "it's a kinda big hole, buddy. i don't think i can fix it. but i can make you a new one!" so, with my handy seam ripper, the porn frog became a pattern. one hour later and a more kid-friendly - cheetah frog!
the boy was very happy with his new frog but did want to know why this one doesn't have a flower.
Funny story-#4 is a cutey
Ha Ha Ha! thanks for the giggle. I love cheetah frog.
OH man that is sooo crazy! i can't believe that someone would make that and then GIVE it to a thrift store. LOL i like the 2nd frog
Holey moley! Hmmm... you could give it a different "flower"... a more botanically correct one. ;)
too funny! you made me laugh!! Such a gifted frog.
That is such a funny have to remember that one and tell him when he's much much older!
omg, too funny. Definitely a family story that will be repeated as he gets older. The new froggy is totally darling!!
O.M.G.!! I would absolutely applique a flower on there. :)
That is a great story. Your little man is adorable. I also love the new frog-good job.
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