i'm fat. okay, that's not really what i had planned on saying, but well... the truth hurts right?
seriously, my point was to tell you all that i started the south beach diet 5 weeks ago. my regular physician and my gyno told me (within a week of each other-i think they are in cahoots) last march that if i didn't do something about the weight, i would become diabetic (this disease has a huge presence in my family). after hearing this, i started seriously considering losing the weight. considering, mind you, not actually doing anything about it... then, 6 weeks ago, a very dear friend called me in distress. she had gone to the doc and at the appt. weigh-in, they had to move the big weight. anyone who has ever had weight issues knows what i'm talking about. as i was talking with her about it, we decided - we were done with this.
done with the depression of being overweight
done with not going to the swimming pool with our children
done with the fear of disease
done with not being the fun, active moms we want to be
done with being fat
together, we:
read the south beach diet book
de-junk-fooded our houses
shopped for our 'phase 1' foods
cursed and whined and complained about not being able to eat at our favorite fast-food place.
whined and whined and supported each other
and made it through!
2 weeks of carb-free living. it actually didn't end up being as difficult the second week. we decided another week of phase 1 before moving on to the more liberal (slightly) phase 2.
after 3 weeks, we each had lost 12 lbs. monday will be 6 weeks. i haven't weighed in again. i don't own a scale. i know that if i go buy one, i'll become obsessed with the numbers.
i'm afraid that if i have a week of no loss or a gain... i'll buckle. i know this has got to be a life change.... so i avoid the scale. i'm curious, but... it'll wait a while longer and pop into the doc's office again.
why south beach? different diets for different people. like i said, this has to be a life change for me. it's not just about the weight loss. it's about the way my body processes sugar. i must learn which carbs my body can handle, and which it can't. if not, diabetes will find me i may just be delaying the inevitable... but in this case, a delay is good.
okay, now i'm nervous, because now people know about this and will hope for great things for me.
this is my hope:
see this ring?
isn't it beautiful? (filthy, but you get the picture) not my wedding ring. i got too fat for it. i want to wear the ring i said "i do" in again.
so there. now you know.
oh, and for some crafty content, a little felt bunny i made. i really want to imporve on my embroidery skills.
I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring in years, even after I sized up a few times. Good luck! You sound like you are off to a great start.
I LOVE the bunny, it is super cute!
You are off to a great start. A couple years ago I did the Atkins and it worked great, however I missed fruits and vegetables and switched to South Beach (so I officially started on Atkins and finished on South Beach). It's a good diet, easy to follow and doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
If it's any consolation, I weigh now exavtly what I did when I got married and my damn wedding ring is tight now-maybe it's all the hooking I've been doing building up my finger muscles.
Don't get discouraged when you hit a plateau, it passes quickly. The no scale thing is better (IMHO).
The bunny is super cute!
Oh, and yes, the pain peeled off with the curtain hardware-of course :P
Congrats on finding the plan that works for you!!
I totally understand what you mean about the wedding ring. You'll get there and beyond.
Also, remember, changing the way you eat is like life. Sometimes there are ups and sometimes there are downs. If you stay the same or gain, just use that as a gauge to help you move forward. Remember, this is for life. Don't let it cause you to buckle.
You have lots of support -- including mine. You CAN do this! You deserve this! You are worth it!
Yay for you and your resolve! I'm glad you've chosen your health. And what courage you've shown by fessing so publicly! This will surely help you stay on track.
Your bunny is adorable. Its funny that you posted this pic because just this afternoon I was thinking about creating such mini-creatures myself! Now I'm definitely going to do it...
I can relate to weight issue only in so far as not looking and feeling good. I hated myself when I was so underweight, and most of my highschool batchmates (on our reunion 3 years ago) didnt recognize me and had a sorry look on their face when they realized it was me. It felt awful!
Now I've gained some weight and I'm doing it for myself most of all. I have not been too concerned about the weight issue but rather how I could make myself like myself. I feel better now and dont care if they still think I'm skinny or whatever.
Congrats on your loss so far! I'm doing WW and have lost 10 lbs so far. It's been hard though--and I can relate... my mom had diabetes. Plus both of my folks had heart disease and I really want to do what I can to avoid that. Keep on going--you're doing great!
you're doing awesome. keep up the resolve, and I know that South Beach can work wonders...
good for you, taking charge of your weight can be scarey. trust me i know! as for the bunny, how about a keychain or a pincushion?
I can totally understand the ring thing. When we got married, I was 2 and a half months pregnant and REALLY sick. So sick I had lost almost 20 pounds. I gained it all back and then some after Jess was weaned, and my wedding ring does not fit. My goal is to wear it again.
Good for you for losing the weight and sticking with it. That can be tough for some. My mother recently lost 60 pounds and I never thought she'd lose quite that much. Just sticking it out until you see results will keep you going forward. Good luck with it!
Good luck with the weight loss.
I love the little bunny - good job with the embroidery!
I know what you mean about being done with everything, the depression, the not going to the pool with your children, not being the active mom you want to be! Good luck on your weight loss adventure. I know you'll do well!
Your stitches look beautiful!
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