all 4 of my kiddos are in school this year. classes started tuesday. my baby V, just 4 years old. *sniff
they go to a magnet school, so the pre-K is all day. 8 til 3, just like the older ones.
so now, i've got one in preK, Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades. *sniff sniff
it's. so. damn. quiet.
9 years of constant mothering.
nose wiping, booty cleaning, clay creating, lego building, bathing, alphabet learning, counting, sorting, napping, playing, laughing, cuddling, doctoring, drawing, growing and loving
and now, nothing.....just annoyingly quiet, mind-numbing, heart breaking, silence.
Oh yeah Rebecca, today it's heartbreaking, next week it's the greatest thing since sliced bread (most days). Occasionally, I will miss Elena and then she gets home and is crabby, demands her snack pronto, etc.
When she was in Pre-K, everytime the bus pulled up she would jump up and down all excited. The bus driver loved it and the teacher's aide thought it was adorable. I finally told them that yes, even I was jumping up and down for joy, on the inside. I swear everytime I saw that bus coming, my heart raced and I wanted to cheer!
Enjoy the silence girl friend. You deserve it!
I only had one, but I do remember that very first day of school long ago. I was terrible at controlling the tears. I can only imagine that you feel the same since no one is underfoot right now.
Ah, it's a hard thing at first, especially as the youngest starts school. . . but then you get over that real quick. I love having my kids at home with me, but I also appreciate the quiet and freedom of the school year. TAKE A NAP AFTER YOU GET THEM TO SCHOOL IN THE MORNING (aah, the luxury.)Treat yourself to lunch out with a girlfriend (or your husband if he's available.) Pop into a couple of shops that you love but your kids don't. Enjoy an exercise video in the empty house. I can recommend some great belly dance workouts that are WAY more fun when A) no one is interrupting and B)no one is pointing and laughing. Then if you still miss the kids, bake cookies before they come home. Greeting my kids home from school with hugs and fresh cookies always makes me feel like SuperMom.
Oh I am so with you. Tuesday my pumpkins went off to school and I miss them terribly.
sending my girls to school used to be so hard for me but it has gotten better with time. Plus my girls love school so I try and stay positive for them. hang in there.
Quiet can be good!
now is your time. the time you have earned, the time you deserve. you have taken care of someone else 24 seven for over 9 years. take care of you a little. it is not like you are not still a mom. infact you are the best mom. enduldge, after all you have them every evening, weekends and summers, for many many many more years.
love ya sis you've done great so far and the best is yet to come.
Oh - that is so sad! I'm sure when they got home you got your share of noise back, but I'm sure those first days are hard on everyone involved!
I'm curious to know what you decided to go with on your logo!
Yeah, it's really something when the "baby" goes to school but don't worry! You'll get used to it and find ways to fill up time constructively. It's nice to get that part of your life back. My youngest is going into 7th grade and I've been able to finish a thought for 8 years now and I'm a much better parent for it. Enjoy!
How bitter sweet!
I only have one child, but he talks enough for several, and he just started half day preK. The first few days the silence was very hard to deal with for me as well :)
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