i know i've been away - but i haven't been idle!
once a month, a group of ladies that i hang with get together. i like to make a gift for the hostess of the month. this time, out little swaure was at my friend jenn's house - who is an awesome cook.... SO - i felt an apron was a fitting gift. check it out!
the colors of the picture aren't very good. the red is actually a very deep brick red. :D yay!
the garlic clove is kinda wonky. i googled "garlic" images, picked 2, combined them - then free-handed (obviously. didn't really need to put in that detail) it with pencil and used simple embroidery stitches.
also....still at it, is the whole eating better thing - AND
went to the doc to weigh this morning.... i've lost 4 more pounds! woo hoo! that makes me down a total of 18 pounds! this all started on june 26th so i'm feelin pretty good about the length of time this is taking. not too fast, not too slow