on monday, she passed away.
my kiddos are terribly sad. especially E & X. it's just awful. they keep asking why she had to die. i have an answer. just not one for them. you see, my jenny didn't just die. she was murdered. seriously, if this is something that will be too harsh for you skip until the next paragraph...she was outside-just chillin' doing no harm to anyone. someone, at some point during the day between 8 in the morning to 3 in afternoon, some evil, horrible, demon-person wrapped rubberbands around her neck. my little kitty didn't just die...she suffered.
so, what i told my 4 babies is that sometimes, people and animals die for reasons we can't understand. and that this is one of those times. not the whole truth, not a complete lie. because i absolutely do not understand why she died.
Oh, Rebecca, this is awful. I know it must have been horrifying for you to discover. I'm sorry.
I am so sorry for all of you. I am such a cat lover and cant imagine anyone doing something like this. Please report this tragic crime, the criminal deserves to pay.
Words cannot express the sickening lump in both the pit of my stomach and my throat at the mere thought of what your poor kitten must have suffered.
I'm so so sorry to read of this.
Gosh, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, Rebecca. What a lousy, rotten, horrible thing for someone to do to such a beautiful, sweet kitty. There's no sense to be made of such cruelty, it's no wonder the kids have trouble understanding. That stinks.
There are sure some scary sick people out there. Sorry...that is just beyond words.
Oh how terrible! I am so sorry this happened to you and your family. That poor little kitty. Its sad knowing that people that cruel can invade our lives.
So sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope that whomever did this to her - that someone finds him or her and does the same thing to that person and that they suffer ten times what your kitty went through.
I just want you to know that I'm literally crying for you right now. I wish you could have caught who did that horrible hellish. I can't begin to tell you how angry I am right now. It hurts so bad when you can't right a wrong. I'll keep you in my heart. Call me.
OMG! How tragic!! May they rot in hell.
That is absolutely horrible.
Backing up what others said, people like that tend not to stop at animals and it's worth reporting them early!
I hope the kitten didn't suffer.
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