today is my anniversary. 13 years. wow. amazing. how lucky i am. i don't know what i did. everyday i thank God for the life he has given me with my husband and 4 kidlets. everyday.
okay, enough mushy.
satuday night was great fun. we took the kidlets to see Texas. this was their first time to see it - so the lightning storm and all the gunfire had them jumping out of their seats! it was pretty funny.
there was a scene where a new family came to settle... the girls in the family got off the wagon with needles and yarn! but the funny part about this- i didn't notice... my 5yo did! (okay, so he'll be 6 tomorrow--- i've got one more day!) they sat it down to do a little dance number.
as for fiber stuff: i skirted my new fleece. although now i'm wondering how i'm going to scour this one. i've always used my washing machine to soak/spin. but now i have a front loading machine. i'm going to have to do it all in my kitchen sink. it's going to take forever! ugh...
here it is all cleaned and rolled - ready for washing.
You left a comment on our site awhile back about the Stadium of Fire, and you told my little Sky happy birthday. I had to check out your blog for fun. Wow, it is so darling! I'll have to check back often. I love it! I must say Happy Anniversary to you! You look very talented.
I saw your old post on You Grow Girl forums and had to see your blog. I love that you give God the credit for your blessings and how you are trying to be self-sufficient. Happy 13th anniversary!
aka "angelady" on GardenWeb forums
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