Monday, September 20, 2004

crochet news: i completed 2 more rows of the red throw! YAY! i will be soo excited to get this done. i also have that head kerchief almost complete. i should get it done today.
watched "The Knockaround Boys" last night. it was okay. kept me awake to work the 2 rows. i've been so tired lately. not sure why. anyhow, have much to do today - i MUST get some work done around the house - looks like it hasn't been cleaned in a month, how do they do it???

by the way, thank you AGAIN YarnTomato. She fixed the comment thing on here, so now, COMMENTS AWAY!!


Donna Hulka said...

Hooray for working comments! You're welcome! Glad I could help. :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad your comments are working :) You had a lot to post about, even without pictures or comments! I like filet, been considering doing some filet afghans. I've never actually TRIED filet though, so if I can make it look right is a whole 'nother story. Glad you got so many gifts from hubby, too :)


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