Monday, February 14, 2005

A Valentines Day Message

I am writing this on my wife’s blog to share with the world the way I feel about her. Let me first start off with the immortal words, “I Love My Wife”. I will always love her and she will always be a part of me. I want to explain this a little further by saying waking up every morning with her lying next to me is like watching the sunrise spread across sky painting it yellow, red and gold. Every day is more then breathing fresh air it’s like being reborn into new state of joy. She is my best friend, my partner, my happiness. She has given my four wonderful children, she has made my house a home just by residing in the same place I do. Every night is more then special it’s like … well its life. I know that may seem odd, but without her I feel I would wilt and blow away. On this Valentines Day 2005, I reaffirm my love for her to the world, this 9th Valentines Day we have spent together as man and wife.

Rebecca, I love you. Always and Forever.

Your Husband.


Unknown said...

Awwww How Sweet! Rebecca if you don't give this man a big hug and cook him his favorite meal you're crazy! lol
Happy Valentine's Day you two.

Hunny said...

Wow that was very sweet. What a nice husband you have!

Deneen said...

Awwwww-I'm all squishy inside now. How sweet and romantic!!!

Marj said...


That's the sweetest ever!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Marvie said...

This has got to be the sweetest thing I've ever seen! (I got all teary!) Rebecca, what a lucky lady you are =)

Ya'll have a wonderful Valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

:::sigh:::: That is so incredibly sweet. You've got a great man there, but I know you already know that :-)


superstahr said...

I am soooooo jealous, what a wonderful husband you have *smile*

Anonymous said...

wow - do you have a single brother - mid 30s...please send my way! How very beautiful and romantic - lucky Rebecca!

Lulu said...

so very sweet...
i wish i knew how to add all the cool things you have on your blog..


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