Tuesday, May 31, 2005

back home!

after a VERY unexpected family emergency, i'm back home --- and glad to be :)
because of the circumstances, i didn't get any crocheting or knitting done. i did get the yellow knitted dishcloth complete before going :) that made me really happy. i've heard horror stories about binding off, so i was a little afraid, but it wasn't all that bad. i definately need some practice... but i'll be making another dishcloth soon. i gave it to my mom. she seemed to be pleased.

for those who are concerned: all is well, i just had to go give comforting and a listening ear.

on the drive down - you'll never guess. we had a wreck. completely totaled my sister's truck. i was driving - of course. i'll post some pictures of the "after" when she can email them to me. for the faint of heart or stomach skip the next paragraph.

we were driving right along, it was about 10 at night, just leaving the little town of santa anna so i was just beginning to pick up speed again.... pitch black highway....and a small herd of solid black cattle decide to cross the road. it was truly the most awful experience of my life. i hit a cow. going about 60-65. there were 5 of them crossing of the highway... there was NO where to go. dead center of the truck - thank God! if it would have been to the left or right, or i had swerved... i can't even imagine what might have happened to my sister and i. there are SOO many things to be grateful for... that we were in a truck, that i wasn't speeding, that i didn't swerve, that it wasn't a full grown bull, that the ranch owners have 'loose cattle' insurance, that the town folk of both santa anna and coleman all showed up to lend a hand and check in on the two city girls that hit a cow, that the chief of police was such a nice guy, the state trooper for driving us to the police station to wait for a ride, the dispatcher of the police station for letting us in the back to watch late night tv while waiting for our ride (coming from 2 hours away). and i'm SO grateful they waited until we were gone before shooting that poor steer. i just don't think i could have handled that.

my sister and i both walked away without a scratch - without a bruise... just a bad memory.
now, the laundry beckons me.....


Kimberly said...

Oh my Gosh!! I am so glad to know that you are both all right after an experience like that! I know what happens when you hit a deer going that fast...I would imagine that a cow is even worse! Just glad to know that all is okay!

Anonymous said...

ack! so glad you guys are okay! :o

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so glad to hear you are alright!

Jewels said...

yoiks, I cannot believe all the unforeseen breakages and hurts you have gone thru in the last little while. :( You need a crochet holiday more than ever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is amazing and terrifying at the same time. I'm so glad you all are okay!!!

Lisa said...

I am very glad you are both okay, how scary!

Lulu said...

my God!!! so happy to hear youre both ok...How very scary for you both...

Anonymous said...

Hey... I just noticed you're published in Crochet me. Way to go!

Marvie said...

I'm a bit late here, but I just wanted to say that I am glad ya'll are ok! {{{HUGS}}} I'd have been flipping out in your shoes =) Sorry about the truck, but VERY happy you and your sister were unharmed!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad there were so many helpful people around! Glad to hear that you are okay.


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