i have made tons of 'blog buddies' and i LOVE that! i've had a wonderful time, sent and received fabulous gifts 'cross country and the world... and i LOVE that! get to watch projects grow and see all the talent in the cyber world of crochet and knitting... and i LOVE that!
without ya'll, i would never have strayed from a pattern and gotten to be a contributor at Crochet me... yeah, i LOVE that, too!
thank you donna and julie for helping me get this silly site looking great and running well. and thanks to my hubby for doing all things mundane and keeping the site fixed... because i am forever screwing it up.
if you're looking for a good read, check out the list of blogs i read... that's constantly growing and is horribly outdated. this is on my list of stuff to work on... perhaps tonight.
so... happy blogiversary to me and my little devil!
How cutie little lambie has a birthday. Good on ya mate!!!! See I come and read sometimes with out your prompting. I LOVE that you crochet too. I get LOTS of really GREAT prizes because of it. Congrats sis! I'll see you soon.
love ya,
Happy Anniversary!!
and thanks for the huge compliment!
have a great day !
Ooo, Happy Blogoversary! You are great and fun to read so don't under estimate yourself. Glad to have you in the 'hood, grrlfriend.
Happy Blogaversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy blogaversary to youuuuuuuu!
congratulations! :)
Happy blogiversary to you! And I for have been enriched by reading your posts! I think you are witty, creative and funny!
happy blogiversary to you!!
now that you're one (and a pro!) you can help me *cheesy grin*
love ya!
Happy blogiversary, ewe!
what a cutie pie mascot for your blog! happy blogiversary! friends and fiber, what more could a knitter want, right?
thank you all so very much for your happy wishes and wonderful thoughts. that said, i feel that i must clarify myself: in no way was my saying "non-contribution to the blog world" was meant to be whiny or fishing for compliments (that just bugs me). just pointing out some things i wish i had more of and 'buddies' that exude that quality. there. i feel better :)
Happy Bloggerversary! I think you are as talented as those other bloggers you mention. You keep writing, I'll keep reading!
Happy Blogiversary, Rebecca! I look forward to another year of knowing you! :-)
Happy (belated) blogiversary!!!
Happy Blogversary! xoxo
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