the color is fairly accurate.
she's much more of a countryish/ shabby chic kinda girl. so this will become a UFO while i complete a few other things. i do have every intention of finishing this. it's chenille, so very soft and hard to frog without messing up the yarn. so eventually one day, i'll get it done.
here is the back of Zeeby which is a beginner's pattern from the SnB book. why, Ms. Stoller, did you give it this title? i hate it! in fact, the only reason i even own this book is because my hubby picked it up in the 'used' section of our local bookstore for $5. i accidentally left it out on my dresser and my 7 y/o saw it. great! so now i had to give him yet another explanation that i wasn't ready for. back to the bag.... my knitting is still obviously from a beginner... occasionally i will purl when i should be knitting and vice versa, causing funky ripples and little holes in my project... but i plan on lining it and adding stitching on it with a bright turqoise, so i guess they all just add to the character (shhh, i'm trying to convince myself).
a purchase i made a few weeks back. what is wrong with me? haven't i enough yarn?!? truly, i believe it's a sickness. but how could i resist this color?
but why the headbands and rubberbands? because Cheryl made this AWESOME bookmark using these headbands and i want to do one too!!! thought i'd give a rubberband a try and see if it worked..... we'll see.
I think that the browns are pretty...not too 80's at all. I also think that your knitting is really looking good. You are being far too hard on yourself Rebecca! LOL...I have a yarn consumption problem too!
The knitting is looking much better! It's much easier to hide a boo-boo in crochet, but for as big as that piece is right now, I only saw a few "snags". Now, if you duplicated some of those boo-boos, couldn't you just tell people that you meant to alter the pattern that way??? lol
Seriously, it's looking great! Get yourself Yarn Harlot's To Knits End and quit berating yourself over the learning curve.
it IS so much easier to hide boo boos in crochet...which is why I like to do it when I don't want to have to concentrate so hard. I think the knitting looks great... but have you tried circulars for projects that large?
I totally agree about it being easier to hide your mistakes in crochet, yarn is a whole new ballgame. I really like the browns, it's pretty. I understand though, I am starting a star blanket in a brown and cream and it is looking that 70's 80's color scheme to me as well. Beautiful work!
I forgot to add that those colors are GORGEOUS.
That is some summer-lishous yarn you bought. You really had no one with a fiber fetish could have resisted. Love the brown tone throw. Really rich looking.
I really like the browns. Very organic!!
I like the brown ripple blanket. it almost looks like you have used different yarn textures? No? I do think it is 80's ish. But isnt't hat back in style anyways? I love the retro!
i love the colors of the first one, its so beautiful..
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