yesterday was also an important day around our house. hubby and i had our 10 year anniversary.
TEN YEARS! doesn't feel like that long. guess time flies when you're having fun ;)
mmmmmmmm yarn in the mail! my order from knitpicks came in :)
it is all i hoped it to be and more.
3 balls of Jig and 3 balls of Square Dance
there is also 1 skein sock garden in Geranium
i bought this for myself!
1 hank of shimmer in Grape Hyacinth this is a lace-weight 70% baby alpaca and 30% silk - yum! it is for my great friend sherry i plan to make her some sort of stole/shawl
and finally, 2 hanks of alpaca cloud in Midnight it is 100% baby alpaca also lace weight - softer than you can imagine - yum yum yum
i will by making my sister a TieOneOn stole for a cruise she will be taking in september. the pattern calls for a complimentary yarn - i'm spinning this. it is jet black 25% silk, 25% baby alpaca and 50% merino- simply divine. i am in the middle of a 'trial run' of this pattern now.... i'm having to do some size adjustments on the pattern so making a prototype of sorts.
i've also made a snowflake for snowflake mondays
i had a bit more to post about... but motherhood calls. gotta go for now :)
I love the knit picks yarns! what are you going to do with the geranium?
andrea made crocheted socks with the dancing in the blue/green/yellowish colorway.... they turned out great!
Rebecca, that grape hyacinth shimmer is just gorgeous!
Happy birthday to your baby - my baby will be three next month and I am not looking forward to it, lol! Enjoy his day. :)
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