you see - i own the money pit. everything that could possibly go wrong with a house has gone wrong with this one. in the 2 years that we have owned this piece of American Dream, we have replaced the hotwater heater upstairs. which, of course, leaked through the floor and down into a wall on the main floor hallway. The heater went out. Which, as luck would have it, was not merely just a heater, but a heat pump. So, ya know, much more expensive than any regular 'ol heater. Several times every summer the air-conditioner freezes up because it is much too small for a house this size. and then, add a second floor - well, major problems.
We, through a oh-so-joyous experience (i'll spare you), discovered the electrical wiring is 'jerry-rigged' to the point of... well, it's just comical.
oh, how i could go on and on... but i'll stop with our most recent disaster.
at 6:45 this morning, i opened the back door for my puppies to go potty and discovered a lake of disturbing size in my back yard. i walked around to the alley and saw water flowing - not leaking - from the little man-hole cover thingy above my water spicket thingy (hey, i'm no plumber). i phoned the emergency water repair people who came out, shut the water off and gave me the wonderful news that it is on "our side" of the property line YAY!
and well, a girl has to have her limits. mine has been reached. hubby's grandmother owns a house that is empty so we are moving in this weekend and putting a "For Sale" sign in the front yard. i'm done.
i don't know how long the move will take and when we'll be getting the internet connection going at the new place. everything is just happening... no plans, just 'winging it'.
so just how 'comical' do i mean?
see the extension cord.
see the extension cord run.
see the extension cord scurry behind the refrigerator.
the extension cord is still running.
where could it be going?
whew! the extension cord is tired.
aaahhhh - providing electricity for the stove. good extension cord.
wish me good luck. i'll post again as soon as i can.
Yikes, that is old wiring!
*hugs* take care!
Oh goodness! I would be calling it quits as well! Hope that the move into the new house goes well and that the "money pit" sells quickly!! *hugs*
Oh my! That is so incredibly NOT SAFE! Yikes! I sure hope your new place is better!
oh geez, bad wiring would start to leave you sleepless! I feel for you...
Will ye be having thy mail forwarded? Just wondering....
(Had to keep going with the Amish thing, too, that was too funny...)
I'm glad you are getting out of there! With four kids (and animals, too) it doesn't sound safe to live in. :(
Oh wow! That is crazy! Good luck with the move and selling the house! What craziness!
jeez! sounds like the tom hanks movie "the money pit" very funny movie, not so funny situation for you though:/
good luck!
Unfortunately for me, I know of that which you speak. Hugs Rebecca!
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