today is my oldest's birthday! he is 8 years old. crazy! i can't believe he is 8 - he's going to be in the 3rd grade! third grade! that's big stuff! it's awfully early today, so i'm digging into my posting vault:
i think jenny is happy here. she loves to sleep in my wool buckets. silly kitty
and a great picture of my kidlets:
my jarod (happy birthday, baby) is reading a book to his brothers and sister :) what a good big brother he is!!
almost forgot: how does everyone reply to comments on their posts? (ooooo deja vu - have i asked this before?) i try but everything comes back to me - humph
have a great day, all!
I've also often wondered the correct thing to do on this! Should I respond back in my own comment section (perhaps others have that same question) answer it in a blog post, e-mail them or leave a comment on their site! I just don't know!
Glad your hubby did not kill you over the tub! Send a "Joyeux Anniversaire" to your son for his birthday from Europe (long distant B-day wishes.....have to love the internet!!)
Cute kitty pic!
Most people seem to have their blogger profile e-mail set to "hidden", which means that even though the e-mail you get says it's from that person, if you look at the actual e-mail address, it's "anonymous blogger" or something like that.
Replying to my comments works... I've gotten responses from you. ;)
Happy kids, happy is good;-) I sometimes reply...sometimes not.
with blogger comments, you can chose whether or not people can remain 'anonymous'...meaning they don't have to fill out info (like a return email addy).
what QT pies you have living in your house!
The brown sheep factory was a smorgasboard of lovely yarn... and seeing how they make the handpaint made me realize how reasonable the prices were!!
I usually email them, or if they don't have an email, I will leave a comment on the blog underneath their comment. Sometimes I get behind (doesn't take much w/ me!)though.
Your oldest is the same age as my middle (my oldest is 13 now! Yikes that makes me feel old.) All your kids are so cute huddled around.
RE: comment on my blog: The day we can all sit around eating chocolate, drinking coffee and crocheting... Isn't that when all the kids move out? :)
Cute kitty, too. (I miss my kitties...)
That is a BEAUTIFUL blue! ALmost electric! I am glad DH was understanding! I guess that means the next batch will be purple?
Sometimes I email, sometimes I respond in the comments (usually if the person doesn't leave an email address), sometimes I respond in the next entry if it's something I think other people might wonder about...
Oh, and sometimes I flake out and forget to answer. I always feel bad about that.
Thanks for the birthday greetings on my blog. :) Cute kids, and cute kitty!! :) I seeeee all that pretty yarn in your bucket too. :)
Here's what I get for not reading for a few days. I saw kitty sleeping in blue wool. I read about tub being blue. I of course assumed you were dying wool in tub. But you were cleaning???? I think this could build a good case for getting a qualified cleaning lady, cheaper than a new tub, no? ;-)
Happy Birthday to your big little man!
Happy belated birthday to your little man! My daughter just turned 21, and I don't know where the time went either. Thank God I look good... lol
I'm using my blogger identity!
Happy Birthday to your 8 year old! Yes, it's hard to imagine he's there already huh? Kelley's 7 and I still wonder at that...
Loved the pic of your children...their hair is just lovely! ;-) Don't you just love those kinda shots where everyone is NOT looking at the camera? lol
Oh, and glad you're still with us. Hubby's not so mean after all, huh. :) Glad he let you live. Now WHAT are you going to do about your new blue emory board?
I use reblogger- it sends me an email of the comment, then I can just email a response as reblogger also kindly makes that the return address, if the person leaves one. Otherwise, I would email, unless it was a popular question, like what yarn did I use, etc, and then I'd add it into a blog post. I don't like the replying in the comments, as I never remember where I've been, because my bloglines list is HUGE. So I never get a chance to look back.
I edit the comment and place my reply to a comment like this:
from drew: hey there ewe devil, thanks for commenting, yada yada yada...
MY children get more and more beautiful every time I look at them. I see that "superman" and "batman" are still at it.
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