Friday, October 29, 2004

took a quiz

What Jeep Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


YAY, it's friday! nothing too hectic schedule for the weekend, just cubscouts for my oldest... and house-cleaning. it's just gotten out of control. i plan to get as much done as possible today, hopefully leaving enough time to get the living room painted on sunday. today is weigh-in day. i don't feel that i did that great these past few days - i know i haven't been drinking enough water, and yesterday - without even thinking, we all had pizza for dinner - i'm really mad at myself over that one. oh well, moving on.
i still haven't been able to spin. time is just running out on me. hubby found the navy afghan i have listed as one of my top 3 - although, i don't think i told you that it was missing... weird, just vanished. anyhow, it's found again. so i will be working on that tonight. yesterday evening, i almost finished up dot's lizzy hat. almost--- typical me right, well, actually - i ran out of yarn on the very last cluster! oh well, i need more for the scarf.
just for the sake of having a picture up today, here is a purse i completed the other day, in tunisian:

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


yay! i've gotten the pictures that are still on the active page adjusted to the smaller size, i hope that fixes my bandwidth problem. remember that fabulous scarf and flower i received as a gift from the crochetville scarf swap? i added to the flower

and made a cloche for myself to match my winter coat:

the games, the fun, smiles, giggles, tears and screams of pain - i'm so very fortunate to be able to stay home with my fabulous children. at walmart the other day, i picked up this package of 5 buckets with 10 bears in each. we have played the heck out of these things today... talked about why they can't be stacked, how to separate them by color, added 1 'out of place' thing in the different colors for other play, counted, patterned... you name it, we did it with these little guys. they had such a good time

i love watching them learn, and knowing that i am the one teaching, makes it all the sweeter.

also, i need to post this picture of beautiful yarn i received in the yarn swap!

i just love it. see how perfectly it goes with a vase i had?! LOVE it!!

Monday, October 25, 2004

oh, it's a monday

well, this has been my day:
before 8:00 in the morning, i was on the phone with poison contol for the 5th time in my life - all of them concerning my 3rd born - oh he is a challenge, and dragging the 4th one, right along behind him. for just a brief moment (isn't that what the commercials always warn you about... that 1 second out of your life that you turn your back...), i stepped out of the dining room, to walk my older 2 to the front door and give them a kiss bye before they head off to school. the boys spotted the children vitamins on the table, hid under the table, and opened the 'childproof' bottle. thankfully this bottle was just opened yesterday... so i dump out the bottle on the table and count out the tablets, to realize 7 are missing. oh geez, - the bottle's label reads "Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6." what is considered an overdose on these things? surely 7 is not good. stuff like this sends a mom's heart into overdrive. i dial the number - and now i know, for 25pounds, 15 is an overdose. so i sit with them for sesame street and calm down.
at the research center to do my first weigh in of the week, i've lost 1.5 pounds since last friday, so adding in my half pound gain last week, i'm down 1 pound.
unexpected company is always such a joy (yes, i'm being sarcastic). as we are finishing up dinner, my dane lets out several mighty warnings of the approaching trio. it is some ladies who go to the church where my MOPS meetings are held... came to evangalize and bring literature on the church. don't get me wrong, it's not that i'm not a moral & spiritual person... because i am. i'm just not particularly religious. and yes, to me, you can be moral & spiritual without a church home. and then what, my yarn breaks - grrrrrrrrr. i'm actually finishing this up on tuesday morning, because last night hubby had homework to complete and i was mid-post. so i'm certain i've forgotten plenty - basicly it was just a monday!

i have several pictures to post, but i do not yet know how to make the memory size smaller while keeping the physical size the same... so i wait... don't want to lose that bandwidth again :)

Thursday, October 21, 2004


i've exceeded my bandwidth!! i will be fixing some of the pictures and things as i can...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

did it again

well, i've gone and messed up the boxes (yes, tables... i know) but i have updated some links and stuff - at least i know how to do that. *sigh* oh well.... guess hubby (or donna-- he he he he) will have to tell me how to fix it later. shrug.

and now, tuesday - again

let's see - completed 3 rows on the multi-fluff ghan last night and did a few rounds on this awesome new Lizzy hat by Dot. not really sure what i'm going to do with it. but it is just too cool to pass up. i'm going to ask her to design a scarf to match :o) if she does... then it will be a Christmas gift for a friend. delivered the flowers to my friend. waiting to hear the winner.
back to the multi-fluff afghan - i'm not sure whether to continue with the sunny yellow/happy days stripe pattern or make the center totally happy days and then the opposite corner the stripe pattern again ???
i'll post a picture so i can get your advice in just a bit. i guess that's really it right now. gonna go play with the boys for a while- after their beds are made, of course :)

oh, also wanted to make note that although my scale at home shows i've lost 4 pounds!! wooohoo! i'm going to set the scale back to zero and update with my new stats from the metabolic research center (i cked there isn't a local website, but there is one for the same place in florida.)

Monday, October 18, 2004


okay, well there are a few updates. on saturday, i started a program at the Metabolic Research Center, hopefully, i can get un-fat on their program. there are some optional appetite suppressants and other things that i opted for. i was really surprised at how well they truly worked for me. the first week is a special diet for "preparation" and then after the first week, i'll start some protein drinks... blah blah blah... if you're on the weightloss wagon, you know what i'm talking about *sigh*.
as for the fun stuff: i didn't spin at all this weekend- that makes me sad, but i did get some crocheting done. not a ton.. but a little. i made a black chenille hat to go with my winter coat and the new scarf and flower i received from my swap at crochetville. i'll get a picture up soon, i still have to stitch the flower to a pin. i'm totally stuck on the open fan cardigan from the interweave knits magazine. UGH! i also got 1 row done on the multi-fluff ghan for my sister. and some flowers done for the flower scarf that will be for my friend laura (mommy to the twins - the circle coat and poncho). although, i'm not too happy with the flowers. i am going to take them to her this afternoon and get her opinion of them before i make any more.
how is it that i have so much time to make such a lengthy post? there is a new Little Bear movie on noggin.... woo hooo the boys are interested. okay, well that is going to have to be it for now. laundry calls (doesn't it always?!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

another circle coat & mail!

this one is for my daughter. i love these jackets!

i had to get out my winter coat to show you all how fabulously it matches my new scarf!!

carmen (lilhatshack) is the artist

she also sent me a set of "Ewe Devil" notecards and 3 stitchmarkers - only two shown because one is currently holding a stitch in a blanket
there is also a wonderful little flower that matches with a big black button for a center that PERFECTLY goes with my coat!! i am going to get a skein of black chenille today to make myself a cloche hat for the pin to live on!

i absolutely LOVE it all!
Thank you, carmen!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

behind in posting

here are some of the projects i've completed recently:

that's about all the time i have right now. maybe i can chat later.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


okay, so here it is:

what's for dinner?

ewwwwww! well, that's not very appetizing
three cheers for little caesars 'cuz mom's got wool on the stove!

this is the cheviot wool. i scoured and carded it to make little rolags. this is about 5ish ounces of the white wool. i boiled a pot of filtered water with a glug of vinegar and added about 3/4 container of wilton's brown paste color.

put it on low and left the wool in for about 1/2 an hour - cking every little bit for that crystal clear water, because that is what is supposed to happen when dyeing.

blue? huh?? crystal clear, though - just blue.
*shrug* i dunno.

so this is what i ended up with, a deep burnt-orangey rust color-it's actually much darker in person. which is fine. although i wanted brown, this actually looks better witht the wool i planned on mixing it with. everything has a reason :)

so there ya go. my first dyeing experience :)

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

did i say tuesday?!

i totally thought today was tuesday - oh well, tuesday-wednesday, what's the difference?

anyhow, i just saw some pictures of the tri-state fair while i was searching for the pictures of my dyeing experience.... couldn't find those, so here's some of the fair - 2 weekends ago.

me, lusting over the llama fiber

kiddos enjoying a ride

silly goat! this one just makes me laugh!!

ahhh, just found the pics of the dye - i'll post tomorrow.

and now, tuesday

i have so much to update on this thing. i'm way behind in adding to friends blogs. also, i need to start completely over on my yarn reduction - which i'm doing horribly at. also, i've finally gotten a scale for the whole weightloss thing... no, i'm not going to let you in on how much i actually weigh - just the ups and downs of the scale...i've got to give this real effort. gee, where have i heard that before *sigh* hmmm, also started the cardigan for my mom.... supposed to be a birthday gift - dec 22 - just might be Christmas if i don't get something else done for her as well. my dad is turning 50 next month... not sure what i should get him for his birthday. he shares birthday with my darling husband, who will be 30 this year. every 5 years it falls on Thanksgiving day - this is the 5th year. not sure what we are planning. did a great surprise party for my mother's 50th last year... don't think we will do that for hubby and dad. couldn't exactly make Thanksgiving dinner a surprise :-P

okay, back to other things.. this blog - why do my bumper stickers have white on the bottom?
and how in the world do i add a second page?
i would really like to get a gallery up and i am supposed to host one of the cals...

i will be taking pictures of the finished poncho and circle coat this afternoon when they are given to their new owners :)

wow, i'm kinda all over the place today. thinking about projects,,, i sure need to get busy on Christmas! yikes - it's quickly approaching. also, my sisters' birthdays have passed and i still don't know what to make them? i think i just may ask them.
okay, gonna get for now, sesame street is over. my little guys have to get their beds made and the day must begin - no matter how crappy i feel -- ick, this damn bug!

Monday, October 04, 2004


well, i didn't end up going to taos! blah! but, i have EVERY intention of going next year. i had already missed all the demonstrations and classes. they are all done during the week - so next year it's a full-fledged fiber vacation! next year, i'll have more knowledge about the art of spinning and dyeing and such and know better which classes to take anyhow. i'm on the mailing list now, so will have plenty of notice.

on to other things:
well, i need to spin some white for a friend over a crochetville.... i'm behind. i did some spinning of the peacock last night because all of my spindles are occupied, i'm trying to fill one so that i can get the white done for her.

what else??? i almost have the brown circle jacket finished... i ran out of the hot pink fun fur that is the edging. so as soon as i get that on, it's done. well, still have to weave in the ends - ick. the poncho has been started. i still have a bit to go on it. i'm getting there with my daughters circle jacket as well. her's is really turning out great. i'll get pictures up soon. hmmmmmm guess that is about it for now.

oh, and now, more stuff i have to learn - yarn tomato's site blogliness and something else.

oh yeah... i need to get up all the pictures for the dyeing experiment. a little later. i need to go work with my two little ones. we're doing letter H and number 7 today :)

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